Did you know that in the past 30 years, 65-67% of net points have been won?

Whilst less than 50% have been won from a baseline strategy!

How often do you come to the net?
Are you comfortable coming to the net?

We only come to the net if we are comfortable with our volleys and trust them. If this is something you struggle with, this is the course for you!

Our Academy coaches will take you through 8 technical development sessions to improve your volleys and allow you to unlock this winning strategy.

You can complete the sessions at home in a small space, or on court so you can improve your volleys anywhere.

All you will need is:
-Your racket
-A couple of tennis balls
-A couple of towels or cones
-That famous athletic position ready for every ball
-Plenty of energy and enthusiasm from you and your family member/friend/coach to feed you the ball!

Click the button above to join and start improving your volleys today!
The course is designed to be done alongside your current tennis programme and at your own pace.

I want to improve my volleys, sign me up!