How well do you know your sport?

Did you know that Roger Federer & Serena Williams have lost almost half the points they have ever played?

128 players play Wimbledon (Each draw) and 127 lose! The same is true for every tournament.

WHY is it so important for us to understand these things about our sport?

The more we understand tennis, the easier it is to accept certain situations and in turn keep a clear, calm mind when we are competing.

Let us give you an example:

The average break point conversion rate in tennis is 30%. Yet we see thousands of players around the world lose a break point and scream 'I can't believe I am wasting so many chances!' KNOW YOUR SPORT! You need 3-4 break points to deliver a break of serve.

During this course we will cover stats, patterns, tendencies and much more to help give you that edge over your opponents at whatever level you are competing at.

The work you put into this course will pay off for you when in the most highly stressful situations you find yourself in on the court. When previously, you would maybe panic, heart rate go up and in turn make poor decisions. The new found perspective and understanding will help keep you in the present moment and increase your chances of success, which is what we all want, right?

Get started and unlock your new world :-)

Learn what tactics the pro tennis players take into consideration when going on court for a match.
Fun yet challenging exercises to expand and develop your tactical knowledge.
Learn how to play smarter and win BIGGER!

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