SotoTennis Academy has created a fun, engaging programme suitable for club/school level players aged 12-16 as well as competition level players aged 10-12. 

You will get fitter through daily routines, learn and hone tennis skills, and develop a clearer understanding of the mental and tactical side of the game.

The programme offers flexibility, as well as personalised support from the top International coaches who have brought the programme together.

Sign up to receive the first 2 days of programme for FREE!

Access Your 2-day Free Trial

This 21 day online programme will provide you with 3-4 hours per day of physical, tactical, technical and mental sessions to help you continue to develop your game during this difficult time.

Sign up below to the first 2 days of the course for FREE!

Don't need the trial? Enroll on the full 21 Day programme here.

Start your FREE 2-day Trial